Old Testament

New Testament

Tehillim 119:24-39 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

24. Thy edot (testimonies) also are my delight and anshei atzati (my counsellors).

25. My nefesh has deveykus unto the aphar; revive Thou me according to Thy Davar.

26. I have recounted my drakhim, and Thou heardest me; teach me Thy chukkot.

27. Make me to understand the derech of Thy pikkudim; so shall I meditate on Thy nifla'ot.

28. My nefesh drops with heavy sorrow; strengthen Thou me according unto Thy Davar.

29. Remove from me the derech sheker; and graciously grant me Thy torah.

30. I have chosen the derech emunah; thy mishpatim have I accounted worthy.

31. I have deveykus with Thy edot (testimonies); Hashem, let me not be ashamed.

32. I will run the derech of Thy mitzvot, for Thou shalt set my lev free.

33. Teach me, Hashem, the derech of Thy chukkot; and I shall keep it unto the end.

34. Give me understanding, and I shall keep Thy torah; yes, I shall be shomer over it with my kol lev.

35. Make me to go in the path of Thy mitzvot; for therein do I delight.

36. Incline my lev unto Thy edot, and not to betza (covetousness, selfish gain).

37. Turn away mine eyes from beholding shav (vanity); and revive Thou me in Thy derech.

38. Establish Thy word unto Thy eved, which is for the fear of Thee.

39. Turn away my cherpah (reproach) which I fear; for Thy mishpatim are tovim.

Read complete chapter Tehillim 119