Old Testament

New Testament

Tehillim 119:23-31 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

23. Though sarim (princes) also sit and speak slander against me, yet Thy eved meditates on Thy chukkot.

24. Thy edot (testimonies) also are my delight and anshei atzati (my counsellors).

25. My nefesh has deveykus unto the aphar; revive Thou me according to Thy Davar.

26. I have recounted my drakhim, and Thou heardest me; teach me Thy chukkot.

27. Make me to understand the derech of Thy pikkudim; so shall I meditate on Thy nifla'ot.

28. My nefesh drops with heavy sorrow; strengthen Thou me according unto Thy Davar.

29. Remove from me the derech sheker; and graciously grant me Thy torah.

30. I have chosen the derech emunah; thy mishpatim have I accounted worthy.

31. I have deveykus with Thy edot (testimonies); Hashem, let me not be ashamed.

Read complete chapter Tehillim 119