Old Testament

New Testament

Tehillim 107:10-22 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

10. Such as sit in choshech and in tzalmavet, being bound in oni and barzel (iron);

11. Because they rebelled against the words of G-d, and despised the atzat Elyon (counsel of the Most High);

12. Therefore He brought down their lev with amal (toil); they stumbled, and there was no ozer (helper).

13. Then they cried out unto Hashem in their tzoros, and He saved them out of their distresses.

14. He brought them out of choshech and tzalmavet, and broke apart their chains.

15. Oh that men would praise Hashem for His chesed, and for His nifla'ot (wonderful works) to the Bnei Adam!

16. For He hath broken down the dlatot nechoshet, and cut asunder the bars of barzel (iron).

17. Fools because of their derech peysha, and because of their avonot (iniquities), were afflicted.

18. Their nefesh abhorreth all manner of ochel (food); and they drew near unto the sha'arei mavet (gates of death).

19. Then they cried unto Hashem in their tzoros, and He saveth them out of their distresses.

20. He sent His Davar, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions [See Yn 1:1, 14; Mt 4:23].

21. Oh that men would praise Hashem for His chesed, and for His nifla'ot (wonderful works) to the Bnei Adam!

22. And let them sacrifice the zivkhei todah (sacrifices of thanksgiving), and recount His works with joyful singing.

Read complete chapter Tehillim 107