Old Testament

New Testament

Tehillim 104:9-24 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

9. Thou hast set a boundary that they [the waters] may not pass over; that they return not to cover ha'aretz.

10. He sendeth the ma'ayanim (springs) into the ravines, which run among the harim.

11. They give drink to every beast of the sadeh; the pera'im (donkeys) quench their thirst.

12. By them shall the oph HaShomayim have their habitation, which sing among the branches.

13. He watereth the harim from His aliyyot (upper rooms); ha'aretz is satisfied with the p'ri (fruit) of Thy ma'asim.

14. He causeth the khatzir (grass) to grow for the behemah, and esev for the avodas ha'adam; that he may bring forth lechem out of ha'aretz;

15. And yayin that maketh glad levav enosh, and shemen to make panim (faces) to shine, and lechem which strengtheneth levav enosh.

16. The trees of Hashem are full of sap, the arazim (cedars) of Levanon, which He hath planted;

17. Where the tzipporim (birds) make their nests; as for the khasidah (stork), the beroshim (cypresses) are her bais.

18. The high hills are a makhseh (refuge, shelter) for the wild goats; and the rocks for the gophers.

19. He appointed the yarei'ach for mo'adim; the shemesh knoweth the place of its going down.

20. Thou makest choshech, and it is lailah; wherein all the beasts of the ya'ar (forest) do creep forth.

21. The young lions roar after their teref (prey), and seek their okhel from G-d.

22. The shemesh ariseth, they retreat, and lay themselves down in their me'onot (dwelling places, dens, homes [Yn 14:2 OJBC]).

23. Adam goeth forth unto his work and to his avodah (labor, service) until erev.

24. Hashem, how manifold are Thy ma'asim! In chochmah (wisdom; cf Psa 33:6; Yn 1:1) hast Thou made them all; ha'aretz is full of Thy creatures.

Read complete chapter Tehillim 104