Old Testament

New Testament

Tehillim 102:15-24 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

15. (16) So the Goyim shall fear the Shem Hashem, and all the melachim of ha'aretz will revere Thy glory.

16. (17) When Hashem shall build up Tziyon, He shall appear in His Kavod.

17. (18) He will regard the tefillah of the destitute, and not despise their tefillah.

18. (19) This shall be written for a dor acharon (future generation); and the people which shall be created shall praise Hashem.

19. (20) For He hath looked down from the height of His Kodesh; from Shomayim did Hashem behold Eretz;

20. (21) To hear the groaning of the asir (prisoner); to release those that are bnei temutah (men [appointed to] death);

21. (22) To declare the Shem Hashem in Tziyon, and His tehillah (praise) in Yerushalayim;

22. (23) When the peoples are gathered together in assembly, and the mamlachot (kingdoms), to serve Hashem.

23. (24) He bowed down my ko'ach in the derech; He cut short my yamim.

24. (25) I said, O my G-d, take me not away in the midst of my yamim; Thy years are dor dorim (throughout all generations).

Read complete chapter Tehillim 102