Old Testament

New Testament

Shmuel Bais 21:5-8 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

5. And they answered HaMelech, The ish that consumed us, and that plotted against us that we should be made shmad from remaining in any of the territories of Yisroel,

6. Let shivah anashim of his banim be delivered unto us, and we will hang them up unto Hashem in Giveah of Sha'ul, whom Hashem did choose. And HaMelech said, I will give them.

7. But HaMelech spared Mephivoshet Ben Yonatan Ben Sha'ul, because of Hashem's shevua (oath) that was between them, between Dovid and Yonatan Ben Sha'ul.

8. But HaMelech took the two Bnei Ritzpah Bat Ayah, whom she bore unto Sha'ul, Armoni and Mephivoshet; and the five Bnei Michal [Merav] Bat Sha'ul, whom she bore to Adriel Ben Barzillai the Mecholati;

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