Old Testament

New Testament

Shmuel Bais 20:13-26 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

13. When he was removed from the mesilah, kol haAm went on after Yoav, to pursue after Sheva Ben Bichri.

14. And he passed through all the Shivtei Yisroel unto Abel, and to Beit-Maachah, and all the Berim; and they were gathered together, and went also after him [Sheva].

15. And they came and besieged him in Abel of Beit-Maachah, and they cast up a siege ramp against the Ir, until it stood by the rampart; and kol haAm that were with Yoav battered the chomah (wall), to throw it down.

16. Then cried an isha chachamah (wise woman) from the Ir, Hear, hear; say, now unto Yoav, Come here, that I may speak with thee.

17. And when he was come near unto her, the isha said, Art thou Yoav? And he answered, I am he. Then she said unto him, Hear the devarim of thine amah. And he answered, I do hear.

18. Then she spoke, saying, They used to speak in rishonah (old times), saying, They shall surely ask counsel at Abel; and so they settled the matter.

19. I am one of them that are of shalom and of emunah in Yisroel; thou seekest to destroy an Ir and an em b'Yisroel; why wilt thou swallow up the nachalat Hashem?

20. And Yoav answered and said, Chalilah (far be it), chalilah from me, that I should swallow up or destroy.

21. The matter is not so; but an ish of har Ephrayim, Sheva Ben Bichri shmo, hath lifted up his yad against HaMelech, even against Dovid; hand over him only, and I will depart from the Ir. And the woman said unto Yoav, Hinei, his rosh shall be thrown to thee from the chomah.

22. Then the isha went unto kol haAm in her chochmah. And they cut off the rosh of Sheva Ben Bichri, and threw it out to Yoav. And he blew a shofar, and they retired from the city, every ish to his ohel. And Yoav returned to Yerushalayim unto HaMelech.

23. Now Yoav was over kol HaTzava Yisroel; and Benayah Ben Yehoyada was over the Kereti and over the Peleti;

24. And Adoram was over the forced labor; and Yehoshaphat Ben Achilud was mazkir (secretary);

25. And Sheva was sofer; and Tzadok and Evyatar (Abiathar) were the kohanim;

26. And also Ira the Yairi was kohen to Dovid.

Read complete chapter Shmuel Bais 20