Old Testament

New Testament

Shmuel Alef 14:23-36 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

23. So Hashem saved Yisroel that day; and the milchamah continued raging even unto Beit Aven.

24. And the Ish Yisroel were distressed that day; for Sha'ul had bound under oath HaAm, saying, Arur (cursed) be the ish that eateth lechem before erev, that I may be avenged on mine enemies. So none of HaAm tasted lechem.

25. And all they of HaAretz came to the wood; and there was devash on the surface of the sadeh.

26. And when HaAm were come into the wood, hinei, the devash was oozing; but no one put his yad to his mouth; for HaAm feared the shevuah (oath).

27. But Yonatan heard not when aviv bound HaAm with the oath; wherefore he put forth the end of the matteh (staff) that was in his yad, and dipped it in a honeycomb of the devash, and put his yad to his mouth; and his eyes brightened.

28. Then answered an ish from HaAm, and said, Avicha strictly bound HaAm with an oath, saying, Arur (cursed) be the ish that eateth lechem this day. And HaAm were faint with famished exhaustion.

29. Then said Yonatan, Avi hath troubled HaAretz; see, now, how mine eyes hath brightened, because I tasted a little of this devash.

30. How much more, if only HaAm had eaten freely today of the plunder of their enemies which they found? For would there not have been now a much greater makkah (slaughter) among the Pelishtim (Philistines)?

31. And they drove back the Pelishtim that day from Michmash to Ayalon; and HaAm were very faint.

32. And the people flew upon the plunder, and took tzon, and bakar, and calves and butchered them on the ground; and HaAm did eat them with the dahm.

33. Then they told Sha'ul, saying, Hinei, HaAm sin against Hashem, in that they eat with the dahm. And he said, Ye have dealt treacherously; today roll an even gedolah (large stone) over here to me.

34. Then Sha'ul said, Disperse yourselves among the people, and say unto them, Bring me here every ish his shor (ox), and every ish his seh, and you make shochet slaughter of them here, and eat; and sin not against Hashem in eating with the dahm. And kol HaAm brought every ish his shor with him that lailah, and made shochet slaughter of them there.

35. And Sha'ul built a Mizbe'ach unto Hashem; it was the first time that he built a Mizbe'ach unto Hashem.

36. And Sha'ul said, Let us go down after the Pelishtim by lailah, and plunder them until the ohr haboker, and let us not leave an ish of them. And they said, Do whatsoever seemeth tov in thine eyes. Then said the kohen [Achiyah], Let us draw near here unto HaElohim [to inquire of G-d].

Read complete chapter Shmuel Alef 14