Old Testament

New Testament

Shmuel Alef 10:1-3 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

1. Then Shmuel took a flask of shemen, and poured it upon his rosh, and kissed him [Ps 2:12], and said, Hath not Hashem meshachacha (anointed thee) to be Nagid over His nachalah?

2. When thou art departed from me today, then thou shalt find two anashim near Kevurat Rachel on the border of Binyamin at Tzeltzach; and they will say unto thee, The donkeys which thou wentest to seek are found; and, hinei, Avicha hath taken leave of caring about the donkeys, and careth for you, saying, What shall I do for beni (my son)?

3. Then shalt thou go on forward from there, and thou shalt come to the plain of Tavor, and there shall meet thee shloshah anashim going up to HaElohim to Beit-El, one carrying shloshet gedayim (three young goats), and another carrying shloshet kikrot (three loaves) lechem, and another carrying a skin of yayin;

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