Old Testament

New Testament

Shemot 28:10-26 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

10. Shisha of their Shemot on one even (stone), and the other Shemot of the shisha remaining on the other even (stone), according to toldot (in the order in which they were born).

11. With the work of a charash even (engraver in gemstones), like the engravings of a chotam (signet ring), shalt thou engrave the two avanim with the Shemot Bnei Yisroel; thou shalt make them to be set in mishbetzot zahav (filigrees of gold).

12. And thou shalt fasten the two avanim upon the Kitfot HaEphod for avnei zikaron (memorial stones) unto the Bnei Yisroel; and Aharon shall bear their Shemot before Hashem upon his two ketefayim for a zikaron.

13. And thou shalt make mishbetzot zahav (filigrees of gold);

14. And two sharsherot zahav tahor (chains of pure gold) at the edges; of braided artistic work shalt thou make them, and fasten the braided sharsherot (chains) to the mishbetzot (filigrees).

15. And thou shalt make the Choshen Mishpat with artistic work; like the work of the Ephod thou shalt make it; of zahav, of turquoise, and of purple, and of scarlet wool, and of twisted linen, shalt thou make it.

16. Ravu'a (foursquare, square) it shall be folded; a span shall be the length thereof, and a span shall be the width thereof.

17. And thou shalt set in it settings of even (stone), four rows of gemstones: the first row shall be a odem, a pitdah, and barekes: this shall be the first row.

18. And the second row shall be nofech, sapphire, and yahalom.

19. And the third row a leshem, shevo, and achlamah.

20. And the fourth row tarshish, shoham, and yashfeh; they shall be set in zahav in their settings.

21. And the avanim (gemstones) shall be for the Shemot Bnei Yisroel, Shteym Esreh (Twelve), according to their Shemot, like the engravings of a chotam (signet ring); every one with shmo shall they be according to the Shnei Asar Shevet (Twelve Tribes).

22. And thou shalt make for the Choshen at the edges of braided artistic work of zahav tahor (pure gold).

23. And thou shalt make upon the Choshen two rings of zahav, and shalt fasten the two rings on the two ends of the Choshen.

24. And thou shalt fasten the two ropes of zahav on the two rings which are on the ends of the Choshen.

25. And the other two ends of the two ropes thou shalt fasten in the two mishbetzot (filigrees), and attach them to the Ketefot HaEphod (Shoulder Straps of the Ephod) toward its front.

26. And thou shalt make two rings of zahav, and thou shalt put them upon the two ends of the Choshen on the lower border thereof, on the inside toward the Ephod.

Read complete chapter Shemot 28