Old Testament

New Testament

Mishle 26:1-7 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

1. As sheleg (snow) in kayitz (summer), and as matar (rain) at katzir (harvest), so kavod is not fitting for a kesil (fool).

2. As the tzippor in its fluttering, as the swallow in its flying, so the kelelah (curse) without cause shall not alight.

3. A shot (whip) for the sus, a bridle for the chamor, and a shevet for the back of kesilim.

4. Answer not a kesil (fool) according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him.

5. Answer a kesil (fool) according to his folly, lest he be chacham in his own eyes.

6. He that sendeth a message by the yad of a kesil (fool) cutteth off the raglayim, and drinketh chamas.

7. The legs of the pisei'ach (lame man) hang limp; so is a mashal in the peh (mouth) of kesilim.

Read complete chapter Mishle 26