Old Testament

New Testament

Mishle 22:17-24 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

17. Bow down thine ozen, and hear the devarim of chachamim, and apply thine lev (mind, heart) unto my da'as.

18. For it is a pleasant thing if thou be shomer over them within thee; they shall therewith abide ready upon thy sfatayim (lips).

19. That thy trust may be in Hashem, I have made thee know this yom, even thee!

20. Have not I written to thee shloshim (thirty sayings) in mo'etzot (counsels) and da'as,

21. That I might make thee know the certain truth of the words of emes; that thou mightest bring back words of emes to them that send thee?

22. Exploit not the dal (poor), because he is dal (poor); neither oppress the oni (afflicted) in the sha'ar,

23. For Hashem will plead their cause, and plunder the nefesh of those that plundered them.

24. Make no friendship with a ba'al af (angry man), and with an ish chemot (man of wrath) thou shalt not go,

Read complete chapter Mishle 22