Old Testament

New Testament

Mishle 10:13-19 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

13. In the sfatayim (lips) of him that hath understanding chochmah is found, but a shevet (rod) is for the back of him that is devoid of lev [understanding].

14. Chachamim treasure up da'as (knowledge); but the peh (mouth) of the foolish is near destruction.

15. The oisher's wealth is his strong city; the destruction of the poor ones is their poverty.

16. The wage of the tzaddik leadeth to Chayyim; the wage of the rashah is for chattat [Ro 6:23].

17. He is in the orach (path) of Chayyim that is shomer over musar, but he that abandoneth tokhakhat (reproof) goes astray.

18. He that hideth sin'ah with sfatayim sheker, and he that uttereth a slander, is a kesil (fool).

19. In the multitude of devarim there wanteth not sin, but he that restraineth his sfatayim (lips) is maskil (wise).

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