Old Testament

New Testament

Mishle 1:27-33 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

27. When your pachad (terror) cometh like a storm, and your calamity cometh like a whirlwind; when tzarah (distress) and oppression cometh upon you.

28. Then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer; they shall look for me diligently, but they shall not find me;

29. For that they hated da'as, and did not choose the Yirat Hashem;

30. They would have none of my etza (counsel); they despised all my tokhechah (reproof).

31. Therefore shall they eat of the p'ri (fruit) of their own derech, and be filled with their own mo'atzot (schemes, devices).

32. For the waywardness of the simple shall slay them, and the complacent contentment of kesilim (fools) shall destroy them.

33. But the one who payeth heed unto me [Chochmat Hashem, i.e., the Redemptive Word, not only Hashem's creative agent (Ps 33:6; Prov 8:30; 30:4) but the one who comes with a healing mission according to Ps 107:20, though Moshiach has to die in the midst of his healing Mission to accomplish our healing from guilt and punitive dread-Isa 53:5] shall dwell safely, and shall be secure from pachad ra'ah (terror of evil).

Read complete chapter Mishle 1