Old Testament

New Testament

Mishle 1:1-10 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

1. Mishlei Sh'lomo Ben Dovid, Melech Yisroel;

2. To have da'as of chochmah and musar (discipline); to understand the words of binah;

3. To receive the musar of those with seichel, tzedek and mishpat, and meisharim (equity, uprightness);

4. To give subtlety to the simple, to the na'ar, da'as and discretion.

5. A chacham (wise person) will hear, and will increase learning, and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels:

6. To understand a mashal (proverb), and the melitzah (enigma); the divrei chachamim, and their chidot (riddles).

7. The Yirat Hashem is the reshit da'as, but fools despise chochmah and musar.

8. Beni (my son), hear the musar Avicha, and forsake not the Torat Immecha.

9. For they shall be a garland of chen unto thy rosh, and a chain about thy neck.

10. Beni (my son), if chatt'aim (sinners) entice thee, consent thou not.

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