Old Testament

New Testament

Melachim Bais 16:15-20 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

15. And HaMelech Achaz commanded Uriyah HaKohen, saying, Upon the Mizbe'ach HaGadol burn the olat haboker, and the minchat haerev, and the olat HaMelech, and his minchah, with the olat kol Am HaAretz, and their minchah, and their nesakhim; and sprinkle upon it all the dahm of the olah, and all the dahm of the zevach: but the Mizbe'ach HaNechoshet shall be for me to inquire by.

16. Thus did Uriyah HaKohen, according to all that HaMelech Achaz commanded.

17. And HaMelech Achaz cut off the misgerot (bases [of the Yam]) of the mekhonot (movable stands or bases), and removed the kiyor from off them; and took down the Yam from off the Bakar HaNechoshet that were under it, and put it upon the Martzepet Avanim.

18. The musakh for Shabbos that they had built in the Beis, and the outer entrance of HaMelech, he removed from the Beis Hashem because of Melech Ashur.

19. Now the rest of the acts of Achaz which he did, are they not written in the Sefer Divrei HaYamim of the Melachim of Yehudah?

20. And Achaz slept with his Avot, and was buried with his Avot in Ir Dovid; and Chizkiyahu bno reigned in his place.

Read complete chapter Melachim Bais 16