Old Testament

New Testament

Melachim Alef 2:22-28 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

22. And HaMelech Sh'lomo answered and said unto immo, And why dost thou request Avishag HaShunammite for Adoniyah? Ask for him the meluchah also; for he is achi hagadol; even for him, for Evyatar HaKohen, and for Yoav Ben Tzeruyah.

23. Then HaMelech Sh'lomo swore a shevu'a by Hashem, saying, Elohim do so to me, and more also, if Adoniyah have not spoken this davar against his own nefesh.

24. Now therefore, Hashem Chai (as Hashem liveth), which hath established me, and set me on the Kisse Dovid Avi, and who hath made me a Bayit ([Davidic] Dynasty), as He promised, Adoniyah shall be executed this day.

25. And HaMelech Sh'lomo sent by the yad Benayah Ben Yehoyada; and he struck him that he died.

26. And unto Evyatar (Abiathar) HaKohen said HaMelech, Get thee to Anatot, unto thine own sadot; for ish mavet atah (You are a man deserving of death); but I will not this day put thee to death, because thou borest the Aron Adonoi Hashem before Dovid Avi, and because thou hast shared hardship in all wherein Avi endured hardship [See 2Ti 4:5 OJBC].

27. So Sh'lomo thrust out Evyatar (Abiathar) from being Kohen unto Hashem; in order to fulfill the Devar Hashem, which He had spoken at Shiloh concerning the Bais Eli [See 1Sm 2:30-35].

28. Then news came to Yoav; for Yoav had inclined after Adoniyah, though he turned not to take sides with Avshalom. And Yoav fled unto the Ohel Hashem, and caught hold the karnot HaMizbe'ach.

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