Old Testament

New Testament

Melachim Alef 18:1-5 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

1. And it came to pass after yamim rabbim, that the Devar Hashem came to Eliyahu in the shanah hashlishit, saying, Go, show thyself unto Ach'av; and I will send matar upon the face of ha'adamah.

2. And Eliyahu went to show himself unto Ach'av. And there was a ra'av chazak (strong famine) in Shomron.

3. And Ach'av summoned Ovadyah, who was in charge of the Bayit (Palace)--now Ovadyah feared Hashem me'od (greatly);

4. For it was so, when Izevel cut off the Nevi'im of Hashem, that Ovadyah took a hundred Nevi'im, and hid them by fifty in a me'arah (cave), and fed them with lechem and mayim.

5. And Ach'av said unto Ovadyah, Go into HaAretz unto all springs of mayim, and unto all brooks; perhaps we may find khatzir (grass) to save the sus (horse) and pered (mules) alive, that we not be dispossessed of all the behemah.

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