Old Testament

New Testament

Melachim Alef 14:25-31 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

25. And it came to pass in the fifth year of Melech Rechav`am, that Shishak Melech Mitzrayim came up against Yerushalayim;

26. And he carried away the otzarot of the Beis Hashem, and the otzarot of the Bais HaMelech; he even carried away everything: and he carried away all the moginnim (shields) of zahav which Sh'lomo had made.

27. And Melech Rechav`am made in their place moginnim of nechoshet, and committed them unto the hands of the commanders of the guard, which were the shomrim at the petach of the Bais HaMelech.

28. And it was so, when HaMelech went into the Beis Hashem, that those on guard duty bore them, and brought them back into the guard room.

29. Now the rest of the acts of Rechav`am, and all that he did, are they not written in the Sefer Divrei HaYamim L'Malkhei Yehudah?

30. And there was milchamah between Rechav`am and Yarov`am all their yamim (days).

31. And Rechav`am slept with his avot, and was buried with his avot in Ir Dovid. And the shem immo was Na'amah HaAmmonit (an Ammonite). And Aviyam bno reigned in his place.[T.N. 1Kgs 15:2,10 refers to [grand] daughter.]

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