Old Testament

New Testament

Melachim Alef 14:12-19 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

12. Arise thou therefore, get thee to thine own bais; and when thy raglayim enter into the Ir (city, i.e. Tirtzah), the yeled shall die.

13. And kol Yisroel shall mourn for him, and bury him; for he only of Yarov`am shall come to the kever (grave), because in him there is found some davar tov (good thing) toward Hashem Elohei Yisroel in the Bais Yarov`am.

14. Moreover Hashem shall raise Him up a Melech over Yisroel, who shall cut off the Bais Yarov`am even this day. This is the day! [See 1Kgs 15:27-29.] Even now.

15. For Hashem shall strike Yisroel, just as the kaneh (reed), is shaken in the mayim, and He shall uproot Yisroel out of this adamah hatovah, which He gave to Avoteihem, and shall scatter them beyond the Nahar (River, i.e., the Euphrates) because they have made their Ashera idols, provoking Hashem to anger.

16. And He shall give up Yisroel because of the chattot Yarov`am, who did sin, and who made Yisroel to sin.

17. And eshet Yarov'am arose, and departed, and came to Tirtzah; and when she came to the saf HaBayit (the treshold of the house), the na'ar died.

18. And they buried him; and kol Yisroel mourned for him, according to the Devar Hashem, which He spoke by the yad of his eved Achiyah HaNavi.

19. And the rest of the acts of Yarov`am, how he warred, and how he reigned, behold, they are written in the Sefer Divrei HaYamim L'Malkhei Yisroel.

Read complete chapter Melachim Alef 14