Old Testament

New Testament

Melachim Alef 13:23-33 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

23. And it came to pass, after he had eaten lechem, and after he had drunk, that he saddled the chamor for him, for the navi whom he had brought back.

24. And when he was gone, an aryeh met him by the derech, and killed him; and his nevelah was cast down in the derech, and the chamor stood beside her [the lion], and the aryeh also stood beside the nevelah.

25. And, hinei, anashim passed by, and saw the nevelah cast down in the derech, and the aryeh standing beside the nevelah; and they came and told it in the Ir where the navi hazaken dwelt.

26. And when the navi that brought him back from the derech heard thereof, he said, It is the Ish HaElohim, who defied the mouth of Hashem; therefore Hashem hath delivered him unto the aryeh, which hath mauled him, and slain him, according to the Devar Hashem, which He spoke unto him.

27. And he spoke to his banim, saying, Saddle me the chamor. And they saddled it.

28. And he went and found his nevelah cast down in the derech, and the chamor and the aryeh standing beside the nevelah; the aryeh had not eaten the nevelah, nor mauled the chamor.

29. The navi took up the nevelah of the Ish HaElohim, laid it upon the chamor, brought it back; and came to the Ir of the navi hazaken to mourn and to bury him.

30. And he laid his nevelah in his own kever; and they mourned over him, saying, Hoy (alas), achi (my brother)!

31. And it came to pass, after he had buried him, that he spoke to his banim, saying, When I am dead, then bury me in the kever wherein the Ish HaElohim is buried; lay my atzmot beside his atzmot;

32. For the davar which he cried by the Devar Hashem against the mizbe'ach in Beit-El, and against all the batim of the high places which are in the cities of Shomron, shall surely come to pass.

33. After this thing Yarov`am returned not from his derech har'ah, but installed again of the lowest of the people as kohanim of the high places; whosoever desired, he filled hands of [i.e., ordained] him, and he became one of the kohanim of the [idolatrous] high places [See Lv 7:37 and 8:25-36].

Read complete chapter Melachim Alef 13