Old Testament

New Testament

Kohelet 1:12-18 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

12. I, Kohelet, was Melech over Yisroel in Yerushalayim.

13. And I set my lev to seek and search out by chochmah concerning all things that are done under Shomayim; what grievous task hath Elohim given to the bnei haAdam to be afflicted therewith.

14. I have seen all the ma'asim that are done under the shemesh; and, hinei, all is hevel and chasing after ruach (wind).

15. That which is crooked cannot be made straight; and chesron (that which is lacking) cannot be numbered.

16. I communed with mine own lev, saying, Hinei, I am come to greatness, even greater chochmah than all they that have been before me over Yerushalayim; yea, my lev had great experience of chochmah and da'as.

17. And I applied my lev to have da'as of chochmah, and to have da'as of holelot (madness) and sichlut (folly); I perceived that this also is striving after ruach (wind).

18. For in much chochmah (wisdom) is much ka'as (grief, vexation); and he that increaseth da'as increaseth mach'ov (sorrow).

Read complete chapter Kohelet 1