Old Testament

New Testament

Iyov 6:15-28 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

15. Achai (my brethren) have dealt deceitfully as a wadi, and as the torrents of wadis they vanish away;

16. Which are blackish muddy by reason of the kerakh (ice), and wherein the sheleg (snow) is melted.

17. What season they become warm, they vanish; when it is hot, they disappear from their makom.

18. The paths of their derech wind about; they go up to tohu [Gn 1:2], and perish.

19. The caravans of Tema looked for them; the halichot (traveling companies) of Sheva hoped for them.

20. They were disappointed because of their bitachon; they come there and are confounded.

21. For now ye are become such; ye see my chatat (casting down), and are afraid.

22. Did I say, Bring unto me? Or, Give a present for me of your ko'ach (power, wealth)?

23. Or, Deliver me from the yad tzar (hand of the enemy, oppressor)? Or, Redeem me with a ransom from the yad of the tyrants?

24. Teach me, and I will hold my tongue, and cause me to have binah wherein I have erred.

25. How forcible are the imrei yosher (words of rectitude)! But what doth your hokhiach (reproof) reprove?

26. Do ye think to reprove words? The words of one in despair, which are as ruach?

27. Yea, ye cast lots for the yatom, and over your friend ye barter.

28. Now therefore be pleased to look upon me; for it is evident unto you if in me there is kazav (falsity).

Read complete chapter Iyov 6