Old Testament

New Testament

Iyov 33:15-21 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

15. In a chalom, in a chezyon lailah, when deep sleep falleth upon anashim, in slumberings upon the mishkav (bed),

16. Then He openeth the ozen anashim, and sealeth their admonition

17. That He may turn them aside from their deeds, and hide pride from gever (man).

18. He keepeth back his nefesh from the shachat, and his life from the overthrow of the sword.

19. He is chastened also with pain upon his mishkav, and the continual strife in his atzmot;

20. So that his life abhorreth lechem, and his nefesh dainty food.

21. His basar is consumed away, that it cannot be seen; and his atzmot that were not seen stick out.

Read complete chapter Iyov 33