Old Testament

New Testament

Iyov 3:10-16 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

10. Because it shut not up the dalatot of my mother's womb, nor hid amal (tzoros) from mine eyes.

11. Why did I not come to mot at birth? Why did I not perish when I came out of the beten (belly, womb)?

12. Madua (why) were there birkayim to receive me? Or why the shadayim that from them I should nurse?

13. For atah (now) I would be lying still and quiet, have slept and been at rest,

14. With melachim and yo'atzim of ha'aretz, which build ruins for themselves;

15. Or with sarim (princes) that had zahav, who filled their batim (houses) with kesef;

16. Or as a hidden stillborn--I had not been!--as olelim which never saw ohr.

Read complete chapter Iyov 3