Old Testament

New Testament

Iyov 28:4-10 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

4. He cuts out a shaft down far from the inhabitant; forgotten of the regel, they dangle, suspended, away from enosh.

5. As for eretz, out of it cometh lechem, and under it is transformed as by eish.

6. The stones of it are the makom of the sapphire, and it hath ore of zahav.

7. There is a hidden path of which no bird of prey has da'as, and which the falcon's eye hath not seen.

8. The proud beasts have not trodden it, nor the shachal (lion's cub) passed over it.

9. He [the miner] putteth forth his yad upon the rock; he upturneth the mountains by the shoresh.

10. He cutteth out channels through the tzurot (rocks), and his eye seeth every precious thing.

Read complete chapter Iyov 28