Old Testament

New Testament

Hoshea 4:2-7 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

2. By aloh (false swearing, perjury), and kachash (lying), and ratzo'ach (murder), and ganov (stealing), and na'of (committing adultery) they break away, and damim b'damim they follow (bloodshed follows bloodshed).

3. Therefore shall ha'aretz mourn, and every one that dwelleth therein shall waste away languishing, with the wild beasts of the sadeh, and with the fowls of Shomayim; yea, the dagim of the yam also shall disappear.

4. Yet let no ish bring a point of contention, nor reprove another; for thy people are as they that strive with the kohen.

5. Therefore shalt thou stumble and fall in the yom, and the navi also shall stumble and fall with thee in the lailah, and I will destroy thy em.

6. Ami are destroyed for lack of da'as (knowledge); because thou hast rejected da'as, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no kohen to Me; seeing thou hast forgotten the torat Eloheicha, I will also forget thy banim.

7. The more they increased, the more they sinned against Me; therefore will I change their kavod into kalon (ignominy, shame).

Read complete chapter Hoshea 4