Old Testament

New Testament

Ezra 2:42-58 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

42. The children of the gatekeepers; the Bnei Shallum, the Bnei Ater, the Bnei Talmon, the Bnei Akuv, the Bnei Chatita, the Bnei Shovai; in all 139.

43. The Netinim; the Bnei Tzicha, the Bnei Chasupha, the Bnei Tabbaot,

44. The Bnei Keros, the Bnei Siaha, the Bnei Padon,

45. The Bnei Levanah, the Bnei Chagavah, the children of Akuv,

46. The Bnei Chagav, the Bnei Shalmai, the Bnei Chanan,

47. The Bnei Giddel, the Bnei Gachar, the Bnei Reayah,

48. The Bnei Retzin, the Bnei Nekoda, the Bnei Gazzam,

49. The Bnei Uzza, the Bnei Paseach, the Bnei Besai,

50. The Bnei Asnah, the Bnei Meunim, the Bnei Nephusim,

51. The Bnei Bakbuk, the Bnei Chakupha, the Bnei Chachur,

52. The Bnei Batzlut, the Bnei Mechida, the Bnei Charsha,

53. The Bnei Barkos, the Bnei Sisra, the Bnei Temach,

54. The Bnei Netziach, the Bnei Chatipha.

55. The Bnei Avdei Sh'lomo; the Bnei Sotai, the Bnei Hasopheret, the Bnei Peruda,

56. The Bnei Ya'alah, the Bnei Darkon, the Bnei Giddel,

57. The Bnei Shephatyah, the Bnei Chattil, the Bnei Pocheret-Hatzvayim, the Bnei Ami.

58. All the Netinim, and the Bnei Avdei Sh'lomo, were three hundred ninety and two.

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