Old Testament

New Testament

Esther 6:5-14 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

5. And the servants of HaMelech said unto him, Hinei, Haman standeth in the khatzer. And HaMelech said, Let him come in.

6. So Haman came in. And HaMelech said unto him, What shall be done unto the ish whom HaMelech delighteth to show yekar (see 1:4,20: 6:3)? Now Haman thought in his lev, To whom would HaMelech delight to do yekar more than to myself?

7. And Haman answered HaMelech, For the ish HaMelech delighteth to show yekar (honor)

8. Let the levush malkhut (royal robe, clothing) be brought which HaMelech has worn, and the sus (horse) that HaMelech rideth upon, and the keter malkhut (royal crown, crest) which is set upon its head,

9. And let this levush and sus be delivered to the hand of one of the most noble sarim (princes) of HaMelech, that they may array the ish therewith whom HaMelech delighteth to show yekar [see 1:4,20;6:3,6], and bring him on horseback through the rechov of the ir, and proclaim before him, Thus shall it be done to the ish whom HaMelech delighteth to show yekar.

10. Then HaMelech said to Haman, Make haste, and take the levush and the sus, as thou hast said, and do even so to Mordechai HaYehudi, that sitteth at the Sha'ar HaMelech; leave nothing undone of all that thou hast spoken.

11. Then took Haman the levush and the sus, and arrayed Mordechai, and brought him on horseback through the rechov of the ir, and proclaimed before him, Thus shall it be done unto the ish whom HaMelech delighteth to show yekar.

12. And Mordechai came again to the Sha'ar HaMelech. But Haman hasted to his bais, having his head covered in evel (mourning [see 4:3]).

13. And Haman told Zeresh his isha and all his ohavim everything that had befallen him. Then said his chachamim and Zeresh his isha unto him, If Mordechai be of the zera of the Yehudim, before whom thy downfall hast begun, thou shalt not prevail against him, but shalt nafol tipol (surely fall) before him [see Mt 27:19].

14. And while they were yet talking with him, came the sarisim of HaMelech, and hasted to bring Haman unto the mishteh (banquet) that Ester had prepared.

Read complete chapter Esther 6