Old Testament

New Testament

Ekhah 4:12-20 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

12. The malkhei eretz, and all the inhabitants of the tevel (world), would not have believed that the adversary and the oyev should have entered into the sha'arei Yerushalayim.

13. For the sins of her Nevi'im, and the iniquities of her Kohanim, that have shed the dahm of the Tzaddikim in the midst of her,

14. They have groped about like ivrim (blind men) in the streets; they have defiled themselves with dahm, so that men dare not touch their garments.

15. They cried unto them, Go away; tamei (unclean)! Depart, depart, touch not; so they fled away and wandered. They said among the Goyim, They shall no more sojourn there.

16. The anger of Hashem hath scattered them; He will no more regard them; they respected not the persons of the Kohanim; they showed no favor to the Zekenim.

17. As for us, our eyes failed looking in vain for ezratenu (our help); from our towers we have watched for a nation that could not save us.

18. They stalk our steps, that we cannot go in our streets; kitzeinu (our end) is near, our yamim are numbered; for kitzeinu is come.

19. Our pursuers are swifter than the eagles of Shomayim; they pursued us upon the mountains, they laid wait for us in the midbar.

20. The Moshiach of Hashem, who was our very life, was taken in their traps, of whom we said, Under his shadow [of protection] we shall live among the Goyim.

Read complete chapter Ekhah 4