Old Testament

New Testament

Divrey Hayamim Alef 9:12-16 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

12. And Adayah Ben Yerocham Ben Pashchur Ben Malkiyah, and Ma'asai Ben Adiel Ben Yachzerah, Ben Meshullam Ben Meshilmit Ben Immer;

13. And their brethren, heads of their bais avot, 1,760; gibborei chayil for the work of the avodas Bais HaElohim.

14. And of the Levi'im: Shema'yah Ben Chashshuv Ben Azrikam Ben Chashavyah of the Bnei Merari;

15. And Bakbakkar, Cheresh, Galal, and Matanyah Ben Michah Ben Zichri Ben Asaph;

16. And Ovadyah Ben Shema'yah Ben Galal Ben Yedutun, and Berechyah Ben Asa Ben Elkanah, that dwelt in the villages of the Netophati.

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