Old Testament

New Testament

Divrey Hayamim Alef 4:8-22 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

8. And Kotz fathered Anuv, and Tzovevah, and the mishpekhot of Acharchel Ben Harum.

9. And Yabetz was more honorable than his brethren; and immo (his mother) called shmo Yabetz, saying, Because I bore him beotzev (with sorrow).

10. And Yabetz called on Elohei Yisroel, saying, O that Thou wouldest put a barucha on me indeed, and enlarge my territory, and that Thine yad might be with me, and that Thou wouldest keep me from ra'ah, that it may not grieve me! And Elohim granted him that which he requested.

11. And Keluv achi (brother of) Shuchah fathered Mechir avi Eshton.

12. And Eshton fathered Beit Rapha, and Paseach, and Techinnah avi Ir Nachash. These are the anashim of Rechah.

13. And the Bnei Kenaz; Otniel, and Serayah; and the Bnei Otniel; Chatat.

14. And Meonotai fathered Ophrah; and Serayah fathered Yoav avi Gey Charashim; for they were charashim (craftsmen).

15. And the Bnei Kalev Ben Yephunneh; Iru, Elah, and Na'am; and the Bnei Elah, even Kenaz.

16. And the Bnei Yehallelel; Ziph, and Ziphah, Tirya, and Asare'el.

17. And the Bnei Ezrah were Yeter, and Mered, and Epher, and Yalon; and she bore Miryam, and Shammai, and Yishbach avi Eshtemo'a.

18. And his isha Yehudiyah bore Yered avi Gedor, Chever avi Socho, and Yekutiel avi Zanoach. And these are the Bnei Bityah Bat Pharaoh, which Mered took [as isha].

19. And the Bnei eshet Hodiyah the achot (sister) of Nacham avi Keilah the Garmi, and Eshtemo'a the Ma'achati.

20. And the Bnei Shimon were Amnon, and Rinnah, Ben-Chanan, and Tilon. And the Bnei Yishi were Zochet, and Ben-Zochet.

21. The Bnei Shelah Ben Yehudah were Er avi Lechah, and La'adah avi Mareshah, and the mishpekhot of the bais of them that were workers with fine linen, of the Bais Ashbe'a,

22. And Yokim, and the anashim of Chozeva, and Yoash, and Saraph who ruled in Moav, and Yashuvi Lechem. And these are ancient records.

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