Old Testament

New Testament

Divrey Hayamim Alef 4:24-37 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

24. The Bnei Shim'on were Nemuel, and Yamin, Yariv, Zerach and Sha'ul;

25. Shallum bno, Mivsam bno, Mishma bno.

26. And the Bnei Mishma: Chamuel bno, Zakkur bno, Shimei bno.

27. And Shimei had sixteen banim and six banot, but his brethren had not many banim, neither did all their mishpakhat multiply like the Bnei Yehudah.

28. And they dwelt at Beer-Sheva, and Moladah, and Chatzar Shual,

29. And at Bilhah, and at Etzem, and at Tolad,

30. And at Betuel, and at Chormah, and at Tziklag,

31. And at Beit Marcavot, and Chatzar Susim, and at Beit Biri, and at Sha'arayim. These were their towns until the reign of Dovid.

32. And their villages were Etam, and Ayin, Rimmon, and Tochen, and Ashan, five towns;

33. And all their villages were all around these towns as far as Baal. These were their settlements, and their genealogical records.

34. And Meshovav, and Yamlech, and Yoshah Ben Amatzyah,

35. And Yoel, and Yehu Ben Yoshivyah Ben Serayah Ben Asiel,

36. And Elyo'enai, and Ya'akovah, and Yeshochayah, and Asayah, and Adiel, and Yesimiel, and Benayah,

37. And Ziza Ben Shiphi Ben Allon Ben Yedayah Ben Shimri Ben Shema'yah.

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