Old Testament

New Testament

Divrey Hayamim Alef 4:21-26 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

21. The Bnei Shelah Ben Yehudah were Er avi Lechah, and La'adah avi Mareshah, and the mishpekhot of the bais of them that were workers with fine linen, of the Bais Ashbe'a,

22. And Yokim, and the anashim of Chozeva, and Yoash, and Saraph who ruled in Moav, and Yashuvi Lechem. And these are ancient records.

23. These were the yotzerim, (potters) and those that dwelt in Neta'im and Gederah; there they dwelt and worked for the melech.

24. The Bnei Shim'on were Nemuel, and Yamin, Yariv, Zerach and Sha'ul;

25. Shallum bno, Mivsam bno, Mishma bno.

26. And the Bnei Mishma: Chamuel bno, Zakkur bno, Shimei bno.

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