Old Testament

New Testament

Divrey Hayamim Alef 25:9-18 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

9. Now the first goral which was for Asaph fell to Yosef; the second to Gedalyahu, who with his brethren and banim were 12;

10. The third to Zakkur, he, his banim, and his brethren, were 12;

11. The fourth to Yitzri, he, his banim, and his brethren, were 12;

12. The fifth to Netanyahu, he, his banim, and his brethren, were 12;

13. The sixth to Bukiyahu, he, his banim, and his brethren, were 12;

14. The seventh to Yesarelah, he, his banim, and his brethren, were 12;

15. The eighth to Yeshayahu, he, his banim, and his brethren, were 12;

16. The ninth to Matanyahu, he, his banim, and his brethren, were 12;

17. The tenth to Shimei, he, his banim, and his brethren, were 12;

18. The eleventh to Azare'el, he, his banim, and his brethren, were 12;

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