Old Testament

New Testament

Divrey Hayamim Alef 25:8-25 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

8. And they cast goralot, shift against shift, katon as well as gadol, the meiven as well as the talmid (student).

9. Now the first goral which was for Asaph fell to Yosef; the second to Gedalyahu, who with his brethren and banim were 12;

10. The third to Zakkur, he, his banim, and his brethren, were 12;

11. The fourth to Yitzri, he, his banim, and his brethren, were 12;

12. The fifth to Netanyahu, he, his banim, and his brethren, were 12;

13. The sixth to Bukiyahu, he, his banim, and his brethren, were 12;

14. The seventh to Yesarelah, he, his banim, and his brethren, were 12;

15. The eighth to Yeshayahu, he, his banim, and his brethren, were 12;

16. The ninth to Matanyahu, he, his banim, and his brethren, were 12;

17. The tenth to Shimei, he, his banim, and his brethren, were 12;

18. The eleventh to Azare'el, he, his banim, and his brethren, were 12;

19. The twelfth to Chashavyah, he, his banim, and his brethren, were 12;

20. The thirteenth to Shuva'el, he, his banim, and his brethren, were 12;

21. The fourteenth to Mattityahu, he, his banim, and his brethren, were 12;

22. The fifteenth to Yeremot, he, his banim, and his brethren, were 12;

23. The sixteenth to Chananyahu, he, his banim, and his brethren, were 12;

24. The seventeenth to Yoshbekashah, he, his banim, and his brethren, were 12;

25. The eighteenth to Chanani, he, his banim, and his brethren, were 12;

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