Old Testament

New Testament

Devarim 23:4-9 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

4. (5) Because they met you not with lechem and with mayim in the way, when ye came forth out of Mitzrayim; and because they hired against thee Balaam ben Beor from Petor in Aram Naharaim, to curse thee.

5. (6) Nevertheless Hashem Eloheicha would not give heed unto Balaam; but Hashem Eloheicha turned the kelalah into a berakhah unto thee, because Hashem Eloheicha loved thee.

6. (7) Thou shalt not seek their shalom nor their tovat all thy yamim l'olam.

7. (8) Thou shalt not abhor an Edomi; for he is thy brother: thou shalt not abhor a Mitzri (an Egyptian); because thou wast a ger in his land.

8. (9) The banim that are begotten of them shall enter into the Kahal Hashem in their third generation.

9. (10) When the machaneh (camp) goeth forth against thine enemies, then be shomer over thee against every wicked thing.

Read complete chapter Devarim 23