Old Testament

New Testament

Chabakuk 3:1-7 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

1. A tefillah of Chabakuk HaNavi. On Shigionoth.

2. Hashem, I have heard Thy speech, and was afraid; Hashem, revive Thy work in the midst of the shanim, in the midst of the shanim make known; in wrath remember mercy.

3. G-d came from Teman, and HaKadosh from Mt Paran. Selah. His hod (glory) covered HaShomayim, and ha'aretz was full of His tehillah (praise).

4. And His brightness was like the ohr; He had rays of light flashing from His yad; and there was His power hidden.

5. Before Him went the dever (plague), and pestilence went forth at His feet.

6. He stood, and measured ha'aretz; He beheld, and made the Goyim tremble; and the everlasting mountains were scattered, the perpetual hills did bow; His ways are olam (everlasting).

7. I saw the tents of Kushan in affliction; and the dwellings of Eretz Midyan did tremble.

Read complete chapter Chabakuk 3