Old Testament

New Testament

Yochanan 7:15-19 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

15. Therefore, those of Yehudah were marveling, saying, How has this man binah (understanding) of a Yeshiva yode'a sefer (scholar), not having learned?

16. Therefore, in reply, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said, My Torah (teaching) is not mine but of the One having sent me.

17. If anyone wants to do the ratzon Hashem, he will have da'as about my Torah, whether it is of Hashem or I speak only from myself. [TEHILLIM 25:14; 92:16; BAMIDBAR 16:28]

18. The one speaking from himself seeks his own kavod (glory), but he who is seeking the kavod of the One having sent him, this one is ne'eman and there is no avlah (injustice) in him.

19. Has not Moshe given you the Torah? None of you is able to be shomer chukkat Torah. Why are you seeking to kill me? [DEVARIM 32:46; MISHLE 20:9; KOHELET 7:20; YESHAYAH 53:6]

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