Old Testament

New Testament

Yochanan 4:21-35 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

21. Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach says to her, Have emunah (faith), believe me, Isha. A sha'ah (hour, time) comes when neither on this mountain nor in Yerushalayim [Mal 1:11; 1Kg 8:27; Isa 66:1] will you worship HaAv. [Isa 63:16]

22. You worship that of which you do not have da'as [MELACHIM BAIS 17:28-41]; we worship that of which we have da'as, because Yeshu'at Eloheinu (salvation) is from the Yehudim [Isa 2:3; Ro 9:3].

23. But a sha'ah is coming, and now is, when those of the true avodas kodesh will worship HaAv in the Ruach Hakodesh and in Emes, for indeed [Elohim] HaAv is seeking such to worship Him.

24. Hashem is Ruach (Spirit) and it is necessary for the ones worshiping Him to worship in Ruach and Emes. [Ezek 36:26-27; 37:14]

25. The isha says to him, I have da'as that Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach is coming, the one being called the Messiah. When Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach comes, he will proclaim to us everything.

26. Yehoshua says to her, Ani Hu (I am He), the one speaking to you.

27. And at this very moment, the Moshiach's talmidim arrived, and they were marveling that he was speaking with an isha. No one said, however, What are you seeking? Or, Why do you speak with her?

28. Therefore, the isha left her waterpot and went away into the city and says to the bnei Adam of the city,

29. Come, see an ish who told me everything I have ever done. Surely this one is Moshiach, is he not?

30. They came out of the city and were coming to him.

31. Divaile (meanwhile), Moshiach's talmidim were asking him, Rebbe, eat.

32. But Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said to them, I have okhel (food) to eat [IYOV 23:12] of which you have no da'as.

33. Therefore, Moshiach's talmidim were saying to one another, Surely no one brought him anything to eat?

34. Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach says to them, My okhel (food) is that I may do the ratzon (will) of the One having sent me and may complete ma'aseh HaElohim [his work, KOHELET 11:5].

35. Do not say, Yet arba'ah chodashim (four months) and then comes the katzir (harvest). Hinei, I say to you, Lift up your eyes and see the sadot (fields) that they are white for the katzir (harvest).

Read complete chapter Yochanan 4