Old Testament

New Testament

Yochanan 11:3-15 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

3. Therefore, the achayot (sisters) sent to Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, saying, Adoni, hinei, the one who is your chaver haahuv is choleh.

4. And having heard this, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said, This machla (illness, krankeit) is not unto mavet (death), but for the kavod Hashem, that the Ben HaElohim may receive kavod through it.

5. Now Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach had ahavah for Marta, and her achot and El'azar.

6. When, therefore, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach heard that El'azar was choleh, then he remained in the place where he was yomayim (two days).

7. Then after this he says to his talmidim, Let us go into the land of Yehudah again.

8. His talmidim say to him, Rebbe, just now those of the land of Yehudah [Judeans] were seeking to stone you, and you go there again?

9. In reply, he said, Are there not Sheneym Asar (Twelve) sha'ot (hours) of HaYom? If the derech of anyone is a derech by Yom, he does not stumble, because the Ohr HaOlam Hazeh he sees. [Jer 13:16; Ps 1:6]

10. But if the derech of anyone is a derech baLailah, he stumbles because the Ohr is not in him.

11. These things he said. Then, after this, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach says to them, El'azar our chaver haahuv has fallen asleep, but I am setting out to awaken him.

12. Therefore, the talmidim said to him, Adoni, if he has fallen asleep, he will be granted refu'ah (healing).

13. But Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach had spoken about the mavet of El'azar. However, those ones supposed that he was speaking about only shlof (sleep).

14. Then, therefore, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach told them plainly, El'azar died.

15. And I have lev same'ach for your sake, that I was not there, that you may have emunah. But let us go to him.

Read complete chapter Yochanan 11