Old Testament

New Testament

Yochanan 1 4:14-21 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

14. And we [Shlichim] have beheld and we give solemn eidus (testimony) that HaAv has sent HaBen as Moshi'a HaOlam (Go'el el kol HaOlam, Oisleizer).

15. Whoever makes moyde (confession) that Yehoshua (Yeshua) is the Ben HaElohim, Hashem makes His ma'on in him and he in Hashem.

16. And we have had da'as and emunah in the ahavah which Hashem has for us. Hashem is ahavah. The one making his ma'on in ahavah makes his ma'on in Hashem and Hashem in him.

17. By this has the ahavah become shleimah with us, that we may have bitachon in the Yom HaDin, because as that One is, so we are also in the Olam Hazeh.

18. Pachad (fear) is not in ahavah, but the ahavah hashleimah casts out pachad, because pachad has to do with pachad of the onesh (punishment) and the one with pachad has not been perfected in ahavah.

19. We have ahavah because rishonah He had ahavah for us.

20. If anyone says I have ahavah for Hashem and the Ach b'Moshiach he hates, he is a shakran (liar). For the one not having ahavah for the Ach b'Moshiach of him whom he has seen, how can he have ahavah for the Elohim whom he has not seen?

21. And this mitzvah we have from Him that the one having ahavah for Hashem should have ahavah also for the Ach b'Moshiach of him.

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