Old Testament

New Testament

Yochanan 1 3:14-24 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

14. We have da'as that we have made our histalkus (passing) out of Mavet into Chayyim, because we have ahavah for the Achim b'Moshiach; the one not having ahavah makes his ma'on in death.

15. Everyone hating his Ach b'Moshiach is a rotzeach (murderer). And you have da'as that every rotzeach does not have Chayyei Olam making a ma'on in him.

16. By this we have had da'as of ahavah, because that One on behalf of us laid down his nefesh [YESHAYAH 53:10]; and we ought, on behalf of the Achim b'Moshiach, to lay down our nefashot.

17. Now whoever has vital possessions of the Olam Hazeh and sees the Ach b'Moshiach of him being nitzrach (needy) and has no rachamim (mercy) on him [DEVARIM 15:7,8] and refuses gemilut Chesed, how does the ahavas Hashem make ma'on in him?

18. Yeladim, let us not have ahavah in dvar or in lashon but in ma'aseh and in Emes. [YECHEZKEL 33:31]

19. And by this we will have da'as that we are of HaEmes, and before Him we will persuade our levavot,

20. That if our levavot condemn us, Hashem is greater than our levavot, and He has da'as of all things.

21. Chaverim, if our levavot do not bring us under the gezar din (verdict) of ashem (guilty), we have bitachon before Hashem.

22. And whatever we request, we receive from Him, because we are shomer of His mitzvot and the things pleasing before Him we practice.

23. And this is the mitzvah of Him, that we have emunah b'Shem of the Ben HaElohim, Yehoshua, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, and that we have ahavah one for another, as He gave mitzvah to us.

24. And the one being shomer of His mitzvot makes his ma'on in Him and He makes His ma'on in him; and by this we have da'as that He abides in us, by the Ruach Hakodesh whom He gave to us. [Yn 14:23,21; Ro 8:9,14,16]

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