Old Testament

New Testament

Yehudim In Moshiach 9:1-5 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

1. Now the Brit HaRishonah farshteit zich (of course) had regulations for avodas kodesh in an earthly Mikdash.

2. For the Mishkan was furnished, that is, hachitzon (the outer one) in which were both the Menorah and the Shulchan and the setting out of the Lechem HaPanim. This part is the Kodesh, the Holy Place.

3. And behind the Parokhet HaSheynit was the part of the Mishkan being called the Kodesh HaKodashim,

4. Having a golden Mizbe'ach of ketoret (incense) and the Aron HaBrit having been covered on all sides with gold, and in which was a golden jar holding the manna and the rod of Aharon which budded, and the Luchot haBrit (the tablets of the Covenant, the Decalogue, Aseret HaDibrot).

5. And above the Aron HaBrit the k'ruvim of kavod overshadowing the kapporet, about which things it is not possible to speak now in praht (detail).

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