Old Testament

New Testament

Yehudim In Moshiach 9:1-14 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

1. Now the Brit HaRishonah farshteit zich (of course) had regulations for avodas kodesh in an earthly Mikdash.

2. For the Mishkan was furnished, that is, hachitzon (the outer one) in which were both the Menorah and the Shulchan and the setting out of the Lechem HaPanim. This part is the Kodesh, the Holy Place.

3. And behind the Parokhet HaSheynit was the part of the Mishkan being called the Kodesh HaKodashim,

4. Having a golden Mizbe'ach of ketoret (incense) and the Aron HaBrit having been covered on all sides with gold, and in which was a golden jar holding the manna and the rod of Aharon which budded, and the Luchot haBrit (the tablets of the Covenant, the Decalogue, Aseret HaDibrot).

5. And above the Aron HaBrit the k'ruvim of kavod overshadowing the kapporet, about which things it is not possible to speak now in praht (detail).

6. Now these things having been prepared, the kohanim go continually into the Mishkan, the hachitzon (the outer one), performing the avodas kodesh sherut.

7. But into the Kodesh HaKodashim only the Kohen Gadol goes, and only once a year, and not without DAHM (blood) which he offers for himself and for the shiggot haAm (unintentional sins of the people).

8. By this the Ruach Hakodesh signifies that the Derech into the Kodesh HaKodashim has not yet been revealed while the Mishkan, the hachitzon (the outer one), is still standing,

9. Which is a mashal for the present time. Accordingly both minchot and zevakhim are being offered which cannot fulfill with respect to the matzpun (conscience) of the worshiper,

10. Als (since) they deal only with okhel and mashkeh (drink) and different tevilot, external regulations being imposed until the time of the Tikkun (Restoration).

11. But when Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach came as the Kohen Gadol of the coming tovot (good things), he entered through the Mishkan Gadol, the greater and more perfect Mishkan, not made with hands, that is, not of this B'ri'ah (Creation);

12. Not through the dahm of se'irim (goats) and of agalim (bulls) but through his own dahm [Isa 52:15] he entered the Kodesh HaKodashim once and for all, having secured for us the Geulah Olamim.

13. For if the dahm of se'irim (goats) and parim (young bulls) and the ashes of a heifer sprinkling those who have become tum'a (uncleanness), if this dahm sets apart for kedushah for the tohorah (purification) of the basar,

14. By how much more will the dahm of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach who through the eternal Ruach Hakodesh offered himself without MUM (defect, VAYIKRA 22:20) to G-d, by how much more will his DAHM (Isa 52:15) purify our matzpun (conscience) from ma'asim metim (dead works) in order to serve the Elohim Chayyim.

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