Old Testament

New Testament

Yehudim In Moshiach 3:1-5 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

1. For this reason, Achai Hakedoshim b'Moshiach, Chaverim and Chavrusa partners in a Kri'at Marom (High [Himel] Calling), consider carefully the Shliach and Kohen Gadol of the Hachrazah (Proclamation) of our Emunah (Faith, our Orthodox Jewish Ani Ma'amin Body of Emunah, Yd 1:3), Yehoshua, Yeshua.

2. He being ne'eman (faithful) to the One having given him s'michah as also Moshe Rabbeinu was ne'eman (faithful) in kol Beis Hashem.

3. Yet Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach is considered worthy of more kavod than Moshe Rabbeinu, because more kavod has the Boneh (Builder) of the Beis than the Beis itself.

4. For every Beis is built by someone, but the One having built everything is Hashem.

5. Now Moshe Rabbeinu was ne'eman in kol Beis Hashem as an eved, for a solemn edut of the things which were to be spoken afterward [i.e., Moshiach's torah coming later].

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