Old Testament

New Testament

Yehudim In Moshiach 10:20-28 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

20. Which he opened for us as a Derech Chadasha, a Derech Chayyah, through the parokhet, that is to say, the parokhet of the basar of Moshiach. [Ps 16:9-10; Dan 9:26; Isa 53:5-12]

21. And als (since) we have a Kohen Gadol over the Beis Hashem,

22. Let us approach and draw near to Hashem with a lev shalem, with full assurance and bitachon of Emunah, our levavot having been sprinkled clean (tehorim) [YAZZEH, "MOSHIACH WILL SPRINKLE," YESHAYAH 52:15] from an evil matzpun (conscience) and our bodies plunged kluhr (pure) into a tevilah in a mikveh mayim [YECHEZKEL 36:25-26].

23. Let us, without wavering, hold firmly to the Ani Ma'amin of Tikveteinu (our Hope), for Ne'eman is the One having given the havtachah (promise).

24. And let us consider how to meorer (stimulate, motivate, shtarken) one another to ahavah and mitzvos,

25. And let us not turn away and defect from our noiheg (habitually) conducted daily minyan, as some are doing; let us impart chizzuk (strengthening, encouragement) to one another, and by so much the more as you see the Yom [HaDin (Day of Judgment)] approaching.

26. For when we intentionally commit chet b'yad ramah ["wilful sin with a high hand of defiance" BAMIDBAR 15:30] after having received the full da'as of HaEmes, there remains no longer a korban for chattoteinu,

27. But only a terrible expectation of Din and Mishpat and of a blazing EISH TZARECHA TOKHLEM ("Fire that will consume the enemies of Hashem" YESHAYAH 26:11).

28. Anyone who was doiche (rejecting or setting aside) the Torah of Moshe Rabbeinu, upon the dvar of SHNI EDIM O AL PI SHLOSHA EDIM ("Testimony of two or three witnesses" DEVARIM 19:15), dies without rachamim.

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