Old Testament

New Testament

Titos 3:1-10 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

1. Remind them to be "V'NISHMA" ("obedient, and we will obey!" SHEMOT 24:7) to sarim (rulers), to shiltonim (authorities), to be submissive, to be obedient, ready for every ma'aseh tov.

2. Speak lashon hora of no one, be not ohev riv (quarrelsome). Be eidel (gentle), displaying anavah (meekness) to kol Bnei Adam.

3. For all of us were once without da'as, sorrarim (disobedient), being led astray, avadim (slaves) of ta'avot and to various ta'anugot (pleasures) of the Olam Hazeh, spending our lives in eyvah (enmity BERESHIS 3:15) and kina (jealousy), hated, and hating one another.

4. But when the Chen v'Chesed and the ahavas Hashem Moshieynu appeared to Bnei Adam,

5. Not by tzidkateynu (our righteousness) in ma'asim tovim which is to our zchus (merit), but according to His rachamim, He granted us Yeshu'at Eloheynu through the mikveh mayim ruchani of rebirth and renewing of the Ruach Hakodesh [Yn 3:3],

6. Which Hashem poured out on us richly through Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua Moshieynu,

7. That, having been made YITZDAK IM HASHEM (IYOV 25:4) by the Chen v'Chesed of Hashem, we might become yoreshim (heirs) in the tikvah HaChayyei Olam.

8. This dvar Emes is trustworthy. And I counsel you to strongly affirm the divrei torah I am handing on to you, that those who have become ma'aminim in Hashem may be shomer for ma'asim tovim. These things to Bnei Adam are good, tov me'od.

9. But pilpul minutiae controversies and toldot and quarrels and fights about the Torah, avoid, for they are unprofitable hevel.

10. An ish hacholek (a man of division, a divisive man) after one or two warnings, avoid,

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