Old Testament

New Testament

Timotiyos 1 3:9-16 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

9. Keeping the sod haemunah (the mystery of the faith) with a clear matzpun (conscience, 1:5,19).

10. And let these Messianic Shammashim also be tested before holding office and then, if they prove unreprovable, let them have the avodas hakodesh sherut (ministry) of Messianic Shammashim.

11. Nashim (women, see Ro 16:1) serving as Shammashim similarly must be tzidkaniyot (righteous women), respectable, not yentas with mouths of lashon hora and rekhilus (gossip), but nashim who are temperate and faithful in all things.

12. Let the Shammashim be ba'alei isha achat (one wife husbands), managing well their banim and their own batim (households).

13. For the ones having served well in the avodas hakodesh of Messianic Shammashim acquire for themselves a good standing and much bitachon in emunah in Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua.

14. I have the tikvah to come to you soon, but I am writing these directives so that,

15. If I delay, you may have da'as of the halachah in the Beis Hashem, which is the Adat HaEl Chai (the Community of the Living G-d), the ammud (pillar) and yesod (foundation) of HaEmes.

16. And confessedly great is the sod of chasidus [in Moshiach 3:9], who was manifested in basar, was vindicated [proven just] by the Ruach HaKodesh, was seen by malachim, was proclaimed among the Nations, was believed on in the world, was taken up in kavod.

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