Old Testament

New Testament

Timotiyos 1 3:4-11 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

4. He must be a ba'al bayit who can manage his own household well, having his banim (children) in submission with all respect.

5. Now if anyone does not have da'as of how to manage his own bais, how will he be a menahel ruchani (spiritual administrator) who can give oversight to the Kehillah of Hashem?

6. He must not be a neophyte in the emunah [of Moshiach], lest, having become a ba'al gaavah (a haughty person), he might fall into the din Hasatan (the judgment or verdict of the Adversary, the Accuser).

7. Now it is necessary also for him to have a keter shem tov (good name) with the outsiders, lest he might fall into reproach and a pakh (pitfall, trap) of Hasatan.

8. Messianic Shammashim similarly must be respectable men of derech eretz, not double-tongued, the Shammash not a shikkor (drunkard) indulging in much wine, not a lover of dishonest gain,

9. Keeping the sod haemunah (the mystery of the faith) with a clear matzpun (conscience, 1:5,19).

10. And let these Messianic Shammashim also be tested before holding office and then, if they prove unreprovable, let them have the avodas hakodesh sherut (ministry) of Messianic Shammashim.

11. Nashim (women, see Ro 16:1) serving as Shammashim similarly must be tzidkaniyot (righteous women), respectable, not yentas with mouths of lashon hora and rekhilus (gossip), but nashim who are temperate and faithful in all things.

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